February 7, 2007


I am in Nairobi, Kenya! I have been here for four days and absolutely love it! The plane ride was uneventful and we saw Dubai for about six minutes. It was really nice to be on a group flight because the the twenty sx of us beccame acquainted before we were thrown in a new environment. The plane had two cameras situated on the underside and front of the airplane, so I actually got my first glimpse of the country from the air. Outside of the city is a lot of farmland and looks a bit like Wisconsin, but with more reddish tints. Outside of the city, Kenya is extremely green. Vibrant flowers and trees line every street. There are also a lot of purple plants. Flowers are the third most important export, and really plants for sale are available en mass--more flowers than anyone could every buy. For the past three days we have been staying in a hostel outside of the city in Karen. Sister Colette from Ireland ran the hoostel and it was more of a dorm room than anything else. We each had our own rooms and it was extremely safe. (sidenote: the keys here are oldschool keys, with long stems and a keyhole.) We basically toured around different areas of Nairobi for a few hours one day, took our first intensive swahili course, and got to know each other. I will write the numerous stories i have (such as kissing a giraffe) soon, but I don't have a lot of time to now. I hope you are all doing well. Thanks or all the well wishes! I will have more regular email access now, so I will try to respond to everyone soon (though I don't want to spend a lot of time in cybercafes!). Kwaheri!


Louise said...

mollie come back, kenya doesn't even want you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mollie,

I'm glad you're having a great time. I can't wait to hear all your stories. (Especially about that giraffe!) I miss you!



Anonymous said...

Hi Mollie,

I'm glad you're having a great time. I can't wait to hear all your stories. (Especially about that giraffe!) I miss you!



Anonymous said...

Hi Mollie,

I really miss you alot. I hope you are having a great time. I don't know if I would be brave enough to kiss a giraffe! I hope you come back soon.I can't wait to hear all of your interesting stories! Again, I really, really ,really, really , really miss you.

Becky who really misses you

P.S.I figured out where alot of my coins are from!:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mollie-
It sounds like you're already doing very interesting things. I hope you have a wonderful time. I was hoping to see you off but I didn't get a chance. The boys and I will keep in touch. We miss you.

Eileen, Eric , Kyle and Colin

Unknown said...

Your trip sounds incredible so far! I hope your trip is full of unforgetable moments! I am glad you're having a great time. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
